姓名: |
孙中恒 |
性别: |
男 |
职称: |
特任副教授 |
学位: |
博士 |
电话: |
无 |
传真: |
无 |
Email: |
zhhsun@yangtzeu.edu.cn |
邮编: |
430100 |
地址: |
湖北省武汉市蔡甸区蔡甸街大学路111号 |

更多信息: |
威廉希尔 威廉希尔足球石油系 |
孙中恒,汉族,山东枣庄人,长大学者“青年优秀人才”。主要从事陆相盆地深时源汇系统、含油气盆地沉积动力学、沉积过程模拟、地震沉积学、地震地质综合解释及应用等研究工作。先后主持国家自然科学青年科学基金1项、中国博士后面上项目1项、海洋地质资源湖北省重点实验室开放基金1项。目前以第一作者/通讯作者在Geology, Marine and Petroleum Geology, Geofluid和Energies等期刊发表SCI论文5篇。作为技术负责人在渤海湾盆地、珠江口盆地、东海陆架盆地等参与完成中海油企事业攻关项目多项。连续获批2020和2021年度美国石油地质学家协会(AAPG)全球助研金项目资助。
2019年01月-2019年08月,北卡罗来纳州立大学,联合培养博士,导师:Paul Liu;
2019年09月-2020年08月,美国加州理工学院,联合培养博士,导师Michael Lamb;
美国石油地质学家协会AAPG Grants-in-Aid Program(AAPG全球助研金):Coupling Raman spectroscopy and U-Pb geochronology to reconstruct sediment routing systems during a syn-rift to post-rift transition in the offshore Bohai Bay Basin, eastern China, 2021,主持;
美国石油地质学家协会AAPG Grants-in-Aid Program(AAPG全球助研金):Quantitatively reconstructing provenance interaction of multiple sediment sources with implications for sediment routing: A Case Study of Guantao Formation, Bodong Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China, 2020,主持;
国家自然科学基金面上项目, 火星乌托邦平原的水活动历史与古气候演化, 2023-2026, 参与;
中海油上海分公司科研项目,西湖凹陷古近系区域沉积体系研究及规模岩性圈闭勘探方向, 2023-2024,技术负责;
中海油天津分公司科研项目,莱州湾凹陷层序格架、沉积体系与岩性地层圈闭预测, 2021-2022,技术负责;
中海油天津分公司科研项目,渤海内物源区古物源恢复及其演化规律研究, 2020-2022,研究骨干;
国家自然科学基金面上项目, 渤海海域晚始新世始末构造变革响应界面厘定及其油气地质意义, 2019-2022,研究骨干;
NASA, Solar System Workings Program,:Formation of Bedrock Gullies by Dry Granular Flows: Theory, Experiments and Comparative Geomorphology of Mars and the Moon, 2018-2021,研究骨干;
获奖人:孙中恒,AAPG全球助研金(AAPG Foundation Grants-in-Aid program),2021年。
获奖人:孙中恒,AAPG全球助研金(AAPG Foundation Grants-in-Aid program),2020年。
1. Sun, Zhongheng, Thomas P. Ulizio, Jade N. Fischer, Janette N. Levin, Alexander R. Beer, James L. Dickson, and Michael P. Lamb. Formation of low-gradient bedrock chutes by dry rockfall on planetary surfaces, Geology, 2022, 50(2): 174-178.https://doi.org/10.1130/G49286.1
2. Sun Zhongheng, Zhu Hongtao, Xu Changgui, Yang Xianghua, Du Xiaofeng. Reconstructing provenance interaction of multiple sediment sources in continental down-warped lacustrine basins: An example from the Bodong area, Bohai Bay Basin, China, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2020, 113: 104142-104142.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.104142
3. Sun, Zhongheng, Zhu Hongtao, Xu Changgui, Yang Xianghua, Du Xiaofeng, Wang Qingbin, Qiao Jinyang. Pore Fluid Evolution Influenced by Volcanic Activities and Related Diagenetic Processes in a Rift Basin: Evidence from the Paleogene Medium-Deep Reservoirs of Huanghekou Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China, Geofluids, 2017, 1-16.https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/9732575
4. Sun, Zhongheng, Jiang Tao, Zhu Hongtao, Feng Xinluo, and Wei Pengli. Reconstruction of Lake-Level Changes by Sedimentary Noise Modeling (Dongying Depression, Late Eocene, East China). Energies. 2023, 16(5):2216.https://doi.org/10.3390/en16052216
5. Xu, Ke, Ren, Jianye, Kemp, David B, Lei, Chao, Zhu, Hongtao, Zheng, Jinyun. and Sun, Zhongheng*, 2023. Astronomical pacing of third-order sea-level sequences during the middle miocene in the northern south China sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 154, 106335.