姓名: |
张勃成 |
性别: |
男 |
职称: |
特任副教授 |
学位: |
博士 |
电话: |
--- |
传真: |
Email: |
1044733218@qq.com |
邮编: |
430100 |
地址: |
湖北省武汉市蔡甸区蔡甸街大学路111号 |

更多信息: |
威廉希尔 威廉希尔足球地质系 |
张勃成,男,1996年出生,汉族,中共党员。现任威廉希尔足球特任副教授。2024年6月毕业于中国地质大学(武汉)工程学院,获地质资源与地质工程博士学位。致力于重大地质灾害灾变机理及工程防控研究。近年来发表SCI及EI论文20余篇,其中以第一作者在Engineering geology、Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering、Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment、Journal of Earth Science等国内外地质工程领域知名期刊上发表SCI论文5篇;此外,以第一发明人授权国家发明专利3项、软件著作权1项。
1. Bocheng Zhang, Kun Fang, Huiming Tang*, Siddiqua Sumi, Bingdong Ding. Block-flexure toppling in an anaclinal rock slope based on multi-field monitoring[J]. Engineering Geology, 2023, 327:107340.
2. Bocheng Zhang, Huiming Tang*, Kun Fang, Bingdong Ding, Qihang Gong. Experimental study on deformation and failure characteristics of interbedded anti-inclined rock slopes induced by rainfall[J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2024, 17:1-28.
3. Bocheng Zhang, Huiming Tang*, Siddiqua Sumi, Bingdong Ding, Long Zhang, Yibing Ning. Exploring the deformation and failure characteristics of interbedded anti-inclined rock slopes: insights from physical modelling tests[J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2023, 18:1-26.
4. Bocheng Zhang, Huiming Tang*, Yibing Ning, Kun Fang, Ding Xia. Weight analysis of impact factors of interbedded anti-inclined slopes block-flexure toppling based on support vector regression[J]. Journal of Earth Science, 2023.
5. Bocheng Zhang, Yibing Ning, Huiming Tang*, Bingdong Ding, Kun Fang, Zongxing Zou. Study on the evolutionary process of interbedded anti-inclined slope block-flexure toppling in the upper Yalong River[J]. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 82(07): 240.
6. Fang Kun, Ao Dong, Huiming Tang*, Pengju An, Bocheng Zhang, Minghao Miao, Bingdong Ding, Xiaolong Hu. (2023) Comprehensive assessment of the performance of a multismartphone measurement system for landslide model test[J]. Landslides, 20(4): 845-864.
7. Fang Kun, Huiming Tang*, Jichen Zhu, Zijin Fu, Pengju An, Bocheng Zhang, Chunyan Tang. (2023) Study on geomechanical and physical models of necking-type slopes[J]. Journal of Earth Science, 34(3): 924-934.
8. Fang Kun, Minghao Miao, Huiming Tang*, Shixun Jia, Ao Dong, Pengju An, Bocheng Zhang. (2023) Insights into the deformation and failure characteristic of a slope due to excavation through multi-field monitoring: a model test[J]. Acta Geotechnica 18(2): 1001-1024.
9. Fang Kun, Ao Dong, Huiming Tang*, Pengju An, Qianyun Wang, Shixun Jia, Bocheng Zhang. (2024) Development of an easy-assembly and low-cost multismartphone photogrammetric monitoring system for rock slope hazards[J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 174: 105655.
10. Ning, Yibing, Huiming Tang*, John V. Smith, Bocheng Zhang, Peiwu Shen, Guangcheng Zhang. (2021) Study of the in-situ stress field in a deep valley and its influence on rock slope stability in Southwest China[J]. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2021: 1-20.
11. Ning Yibing, Huiming Tang*, Guangcheng Zhang, John V. Smith, Bocheng Zhang, Peiwu Shen, and Hongjie Chen. (2021) A complex rockslide developed from a deep-seated toppling failure in the upper Lancang River, Southwest China[J]. Engineering Geology, 293: 106329.
12. Ning Yibing, Huiming Tang*, Jianbing Peng, Yanjun Shen, John V. Smith, Bocheng Zhang. (2024) A stability evaluation method for deep-seated toppling in the upper Lancang river, Southwestern China[J]. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.
13. Shen Peiwu, Huiming Tang*, Bocheng Zhang, Yibing Ning, Cheng He. (2021) Investigation on the fracture and mechanical behaviors of simulated transversely isotropic rock made of two interbedded materials[J]. Engineering Geology, 2021: 106058.
14. Shen Peiwu, Huiming Tang*, Bocheng Zhang, Yibing Ning, Xuexue Su, Sixuan Sun. (2021) Weakening Investigation of Reservoir Rock by Coupled Uniaxial Compression, Computed Tomography and Digital Image Correlation Methods: A Case Study[J]. Sensors, 21(2): 344.
15. Xia Ding, Yunfeng Ge, Huiming Tang*, Bocheng Zhang, Peiwu Shen. (2022) SDZM: Software for determining shear damage zones of rock joints[J]. Computers & geosciences, 159: 105021.
16. Xia Ding, Huiming Tang*, Sixuan Sun, Chunyan Tang, Bocheng Zhang. (2022) Landslide susceptibility mapping based on the germinal center optimization algorithm and support vector classification[J]. Remote Sensing, 14(11) 2707.
17. Zhang Junrong, Chengyuan Lin, Huiming Tang*, Tao Wen, Dwayne D. Tannant, Bocheng Zhang. (2024) Input-parameter optimization using a SVR based ensemble model to predict landslide displacements in a reservoir area–A comparative study[J]. Applied Soft Computing, 150: 111107.
18. 张勃成, 唐辉明*, 申培武, 宁奕冰, 夏丁. (2020) 基于岩石损伤与水力作用的顺层岩质边坡临界失稳高度研究. 安全与环境工程, 27(2): 42-49.
19. 宁奕冰, 唐辉明*, 张勃成, 等. (2021) 澜沧江深层倾倒体演化过程及失稳机制研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 40(11): 2199-2213.
20. 宁奕冰, 唐辉明*, 张勃成, 等. (2020) 基于正交设计的岩石相似材料配比研究及底摩擦物理模型试验应用. 岩土力学, 41(6): 2009-2020.
1. 张勃成,唐辉明,夏丁, 宁奕冰,申培武,孙思璇,苏雪雪. 一种反倾岩质边坡模型试验的模拟地应力试验装置及方法.国家发明专利,2022,CN113281488B。
2. 张勃成,唐辉明,张博,范志强,夏丁,苏雪雪,安鹏举,宁奕冰, 申培武. 一种适用于土岩接触面环剪仪试验系统. 国家发明专利,2023,CN110044726B。
3. 张勃成,唐辉明,安鹏举,张成,夏丁,申培武,孙思璇,宁奕冰, 苏雪雪,方堃. 一种用于边坡模型试验无接触调节正应力底摩擦试验装置统. 国家发明专利, 2024,CN112014309B。
4. 唐辉明,安鹏举,蒋益涵,董澳,夏丁,张勃成,苏雪雪,孙思璇,方堃. 一种用于边坡爆破的室内模拟装置及方法,国家发明专利,2021,CN113008706B。
5. 安鹏举,唐辉明,邓清禄,苏雪雪,夏丁,张勃成,孙思璇. 一种抗滑桩变形监测用分布式光纤固定装置及方法,国家发明专利,2020,CN110332902B。
6. 安鹏举,唐辉明,张永权,邓清禄,苏雪雪,张勃成,夏丁. 一种适用于滑坡深部大位移的监测装置,国家发明专利,2021,CN110006383B。
7. 张俊荣,唐辉明,张永权,林成远,道恩·田纳特,李长冬,温涛,张勃成,孙思璇. 一种水库滑坡阵列式水下变形监测装置及监测方法,国家发明专利,2023,CN113296134B。
8. 张勃成,夏丁,孙思璇,何成. 边坡变形失稳影响因素敏感性分析软件. 2021SR0867584. 2021.06.09。
9. 夏丁, 缪明昊, 宁奕冰, 张勃成. 岩石直剪剪切损伤区测量软件. 2021SR1092998. 2021.07.23。
10. 安鹏举, 夏丁, 唐辉明, 申培武, 宁奕冰, 张勃成, 苏雪雪, 孙思璇. 应力莫尔圆自动拟合软件V1.0. 2020SR0170184. 2020.02.24。